I've decided to start a lifestyle blog to share the journey of starting our family!
I have been hesitant about this because I never really saw myself as a "blogger," but I never want to forget our journey starting a family. I know there are so many people who struggle with infertility. Weather it's going on Clomid, doing IVF, or adoption.. It is a struggle I wish no one had to face, but it is so common now and I think talking through it throughout my journey has really helped me.
When my husband and I got married, we talked about starting a family and thought we would want to wait around three years before we started trying. He was applying for med school and I was still really young. We wanted wait until we had a more stable life to bring a baby into the world. Well long story short, after applying for med school and not getting accepted his first year, Riley decided to go a different direction. Since we weren't going to be knee deep in debt, Riley brought up starting a family after being married for around 6 months! I was shocked! All of the plans that we had talked about when we were dating and engaged had completely changed.